I want to know the procedure of how can i become a wix partner.
- what kind of business email i can put in the field?
- If i have my own website for selling template. At least how many templates needs to be listed. Is their any specific number.
- If i don’t have any client but I have created template. So can i put that template for client URL.
- I want to know about the points. like how i can earn those points and is this the process which will start after filling the become a partner programm.
That’s all!
You can put any email you like. It doesn’t have to be a business email, but it would make sense that it looks like it is associated with your own website.
You do not have to have a specific number of templates. The business website is just to show that you are serious and have created a site for your business.
You should get a client and put their site for the url.
You will begin earning points for various things as outlined here, AFTER you are approved as a partner: Wix Studio: Partner Program Points | Help Center | Wix.com
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