How to change the cursor to a pointer when hovering over a table row

I am adding some custom code to my wix site using the velo editor.
I have a table with and the rows have a click event.

export function table1_rowSelect_1(event) {     let rowData = event.rowData;'/' + rowData._id); }  

I wanit is so then when the user hovers either into the table or over a row than the mouse cursor changes to a pointer. However I am stuggling to find a way to achive this and I haven’t been able to find anything online to solve this.

This is a tricky question to deal with in wix. I am running into a similar issue when trying to set a static size for my repeater items. Here is a link to my post as well: Setting a fixed height for a repeater | Velo by Wix

It is easy in wix to trigger events on mouseover. See: onMouseIn - Velo API Reference -

The problem is wix is very limited in what you can do with the style prop. Furthermore the compiler does not have access to the root dom so you can not use JavaScript to set the cursor style to pointer with = pointer. See: Style - Velo API Reference -

If there is a way to accomplish this I would very much like to know. But from the research I have done it appears that setting styles in wix programmatically is very limited at the current moment.

Check out these previous posts to see if the coding solutions will work for you:

You can also vote for this feature request here:

I have found a way to do this if you have upgraded your site. Please reference my forum post here:

The solution to this would be very similar in this case

Hi, if you wish the cursor style to be ‘pointer’, there’s a very easy solution:
Put the table inside a transparent box.
Create a click event listener for the box . No need to put any further code in the event handler.