I’ve a website and I want to make a price change according to the value of the input and make the payment method change according to the value
this is the page for more details
I want to the Current Rank, Desired Rank and Server that when the value change the price and apper in the Heading 1 and when it done this number will appear in the payment method
here is the code that I worked for it
let EUNE = "EUNE";
let IronVI1 = 1;
let IronIII1 = 2;
let IronII1 = 3;
let IronI1 = 4;
let BronzeVI1 = 5;
let BronzeIII1 = 6;
let BronzeII1 = 7;
let BronzeI1 = 8;
if ($w('#InpServer').value === EUNE) {
if ($w('#inpDesRank').value === "Iron VI") {
$w('#price').text === IronVI1;
if ($w('#inpDesRank').value === "Iron III") {
$w('#price').text === IronIII1;
Note that I didn’t write the code of payment method yet
thanks for responds