How to connect a dropdown to a dataset within a repeater so the user can 'sort by' data on a dynamic page?

Hello, I have a dynamic page displaying data within a repeater that is connected to my dataset within the content manager. I am trying to add a dropdown to my page that would allow a user to sort (A-Z, Z-A, Low-High, High-Low) the data based off of specific field keys within our dataset.

So far all I have found online is how to filter. There has been little to nothing about SORTING data. The only answers I have found with SORT involves sorting from the content manager. However, I need the user who is using my site to be able to sort the data that is displayed on the page for themselves.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Hi Josh,

Here’s a tutorial video showing how to sort your dataset with these methods.
You can skip the video to the dataset filtering section 0:0:27