Let user sort data in a repeater

Hi. Looking for some help please.
I have a website that has a repeated linked to a database. I have managed to link the repeater to some drop down filters.
I have sorted the order of the data on the dataset settings. I am wondering if it is possible to make a drop down where the user is able to change the sort? for example if it is set as sort by “popularity” is the user able to change the sort to “low to high”?
I have looked all over for this answer but cant find it anyway so any help will be appreciated.

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The following support article should help you start (it doesn’t require coding):
Filtering Content Based on User Selection

If built-in functionality is not enough, you could implement filters from scratch and customize them via code.
Corvid: About Creating Searches and Filters of Displayed Data

You can open the examples below in your Editor, play with them, adjust code to your needs and implement it on your site.

Hi Anastasiia. Thanks for getting bsck to me.
The links you have sent are for filtering content, im looking for the user to sort the content. Do you have any advice for that?

Hi Anastisiia,
Is it possible to sort data in the repeater? Like for date (new-old), country, name and so on. Thus SORT not filter.

Hi, were you able to figure out how to let a user sort a repeater? i have had no luck in finding this info as well