How to create dynamic slideshow

I wanted 3 images to be shown through this dynamic slideshow.
so clicked ‘connect data’ button and connected the dataset.
But only 1 image was shown at the first page.
3 images are saved in one dataset with different category names.
What can i do? Please help

Thank you
Happy new year

Have you add any code?
Please post here!

no i didn’t add any code!
just tried all functions provided by GUI

@paullee0110 Maybe you can post your url so other can see your situation

@certified-code oh sure thanks for telling me that
Here’s the url(page) i need to add a dynamic slideshow!

and here’s the dataset i want to connect to the dynamic slideshow.
2 or 3 images in the same ‘row’ to dynamic slideshow

If there’s anything i have to tell you more, let me know