How to download, print or email Vector image?

I have created a QR code which is displayed on my site as a Vector image, but I cannot find a way to either download it, print it or email it. Some how I need to to get a hard copy of this image. The closest I can get to it is printing using ctrl-p from a laptop, but not only is this method clumsy for the users, it won’t work on mobile devices.

Is there anyway of achieving this?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi there,

One way you’d be able to download the vector image would be by adding it to a pro gallery and enabling the download setting or using the Wix file share app. Check out this article for more info.

Another way would be by adding your images to a database and then adding code using the wix-location and getCurrentItem APIs to auto download the image for you. Here’s a helpful example by Code Queen:

Hope this helps!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. As I inderstand it (and I might be completely wrong here!), you cannot add Vector images to the Gallery Pro via code? I would need to do this as the QR code (Vector Image) is dynamiclly created, also through code. It worked okay with a regulatr image, but not the Vector.

Also, I saw another post that said that the Code Queen solution only worked for regaular images, not Vector?

Hoping I am wrong and one of these solutions will work for me!

Just done a bit of testing using gallery pro, and it looks like you can add a Vector Image via code, but it would seem not once it has been converted to a QR code. I’m using the qrcode npm and the .src looks very different once the qr code has been generated.