Good morning!
I look at the share buttons on my WIX site ( and at other sites and see just how bad they look. Different sizes. I don’t have half share the buttons I want. I am using the native WIX “add share button” tools. See the attached image: myuglysharebuttons.jpg
I want more. And more professional looking. Question is how? Specifically:
By “share buttons,” I specifically mean I want visitors to share my web page on their own social media. I do not want to direct them to my social media.
For page loading speed purposes, I would like the solution to be native to Wix. (I have yet to get third party jscript to work well on WIX, such as
Fixed position is fine for now. Floating for later would be great.
Mobile ready.
Something looking more like the two image examples I have attached. Very different that what I have now. sharebuttonexample1.jpg and sharebuttonexample2.jpg.
Thank you for your guidance and expertise!