How to make pop up iFrame and button coding

Hello! i am new to wix and javascript here. So i got a problem for my project. I want to make a specific dynamic page appear on iFrame when i click a button. So the question is :

  1. Is is possible to code the button so the iFrame will appear on click? can anyone give me the example of the simple code? lets say it’s #button1
  2. Can i put dynamic page to show up on iFrame by URL?
  3. Can i close the iFrame again so it will go back to the original page (where the iFrame doesn’t appear first)

Thanks before!

Hello Indra,

So you have a button that you want to used as navigation button embedding link to other page right using theHTML5 iFrame tag?

Is is possible to code the button so the iFrame will appear on click? Yes it more then possible.

Can i put dynamic page to show up on iFrame by URL? YES

Can i close the iFrame again so it will go back to the original page (where the iFrame doesn’t appear first) YES , by building a new javascript function to call the event on change.