Hello everyone. So i just need to ask a simple question here. let’s say i have a button in page1 name #button1 . I want to that button to do two things : open dynamic page and let’s say open another link.
- If i were going to code the button, should i write the code in page1 or site?
- Is it possible to let a button to give instruction to iframe to open dynamic page?
Start from reading the Corvid: Working in the Code Panel and Getting Started with Corvid by Wix articles.
Page : The Page tab contains the code for elements that appear on a specific page. If you have code that relates to a specific page only, add it here.
Site : When an element appears on all your site pages and you want to add functionality to it that will be consistent across your site, add that code in the Site tab. If you have code that relates to all the pages of your site, add it here.
Regarding the iframe, not sure I am following. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Maybe the links below will help you start:
Corvid: Working with the HTML Element