How to run a dataset filter with OR

Here’s how i’m trying to do it

.eq('active', true)
.eq('month', 'may')

The filter doesn’t seem to work properly but doesn’t return any error, it does filter data but not what it is supposed to.

or condition is used with wixData only, not with the datasets.
The code should be something like the following:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

// ...

  .lt("age", 25)
      .gt("age", 65)
  .then( (results) => {
  if(results.items.length > 0) {
      let items = results.items;
      } else {
      // handle case where no matching items found
  } )
  .catch( (error) => {
    let errorMsg = error.message;
    let code = error.code;
  } );

You can learn more about or condition here.

Got it, thanks! I have a dataset displaying items and want to set a filter based on the OR condition. Should I make queries and then set the data manually each time?