Could someone tell me why my or() is not working for wixdata filtering.
I am attempting to use a wixdata filter function with “or” conditions on a collection, to search for a visitor inputted word, and populate a Pro Gallery.
I am using a single word entered and am searching 3 collection fields; the “name” field, the “story” field, and “searchWords” field. I am using an or() condition to link it. (eg. Search for the word “boat” in those 3 fields.)
The code works properly if I only use a single filter statement (eg. Search only the “name” field). But including all 3 filters it still only checks the 1st one. (as if the other 2 “or()” statements were not there).
I have copied the code from other Youtube developers who use and()’s and assume theirs works, but not mine with or()’s.
Any thought’s??? Below is my code.
// Word search for Pro Gallery
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
// When Search button is clicked
$w(“#button5”).onClick(function () {
const searchWord1 = $w(‘#input1’).value ;
let filter = wixData.filter() ;
if (searchWord1.length > 0 ){
filter = filter.contains("itemName",searchWord1)
.or (filter = filter.contains("story",searchWord1))
.or (filter = filter.contains("searchWords1",searchWord1))
console.log ("just created search criteria")
$w('#dataset1').setFilter(filter) ;
}) //end of onClick search - button 5
// Reset the filter ( search criteria, buttons and filter )
$w(“#button6”).onClick(function (){
$w(“#dataset1”).setFilter(wixData.filter()) ;
$w(‘#input1’).value = undefined ;
}) //end of onClick for reset - button6
It appears that the change you are recommending is to add the " wixData, " prefix to the “filter” statement for the 2nd and 3rd “filter” statement this gave me a format syntax error
I would expect the format for the 3 “filter” statements should be the same. The 1st one works. I expect there is a problem with the or() conditional I have between the 3 statements.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for persisting! And for testing.
I just straight copied / pasted your code over mine and it works. Mostly - One of collection fields I am searching on is a “Rich Content” field. It doesn’t seem to work on that field type. Not a problem - I was already planning to change it back to plain text anyway.
I am new to WIX. I was a COBOL programmer but have not done programming for 45 years and this is no comparison!!! I can easily figure out what I want to do but haven’t been able to master the syntax yet.
Thanks for your help and sorry for the trouble from your first reply.