How to show repeater item horizontally?


I have repeater on my page but i’m not able to set my repeater items to show horizontally you guys have any idea how to do it.


There is a way to set it horizontally, but it depends on items size and the number of items.
Please see the screenshots with setUp:

In case that it’s not enough to solve your case, you may add custom pagination and present the custom amount of items.

Thanks. #fullWidth #repeater

I think it’s good but its not good when your database have to much items for horizontal view is there any option with codes so visitors can scroll repeater items horizontally.

@thbewise See the maximum amount of items that will fit the horizontal view and setup pagination.

On my screenshot you can see that I can show 8 items, before it will brake to another line. In this case I need to setUp pagination for each 8 items.

How to do it:

In case that you don’t like the pagination solution, you can setUp a scroll solution by adding some narrows/buttons for next/prev actions and using the dataset API -

#pagination #nextPage

@alexander-jdanov Thankyou