Let’s say I have a CMS collection of users and a CMS collection of projects.
How can I display eg.: “We have x amount of users and x amount of projects!” ?
Without having to update “x” myself all the time, what code / api should I use to have the page automatically update “x” ?
All the best,
You can use two options here:
WixData Query
// For Dataset
$w("#dataser1").onReady(() => {
const totalCount = $w("#dataser1").getTotalCount();
$w("#text1").text = `Total ${totalCount} items are present`
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It depends.
You can have a simple database with 2 columns. User count, project count. Each time you update that number you can have it display on a text element on your page(s) via code.
Or where does the user count come from? Are these people registered as Members? If yes, you can do a hook, after signup update the count on a database and display with text via code on the appropriate page.
And where does the project count come from? Are they the number of total items in a specific database? If yes, again use a hook to update count each time a new item is added, etc, same logic as above.
I would, personally, avoid doing a live count via querying because as well all know Wix limits reaults to 1000. So it would be inefficient to loop a code around when all the calculations could have been done beforehand and a simple page code can help display the static numbers from a database. It will also prevent unnecessary code from slowing down your page(s).
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@codequeen As it will be over 1000 at some point I’ll probably go with your method.
I’m new to hooks, how would it work?
And thanks a lot
Thanks @Brian_Lewis — will this method be limited to 1000 items like @codequeen mentions?
No, the number will be lower. It will be limited to the number of items loaded on the dataset after the page loads only.
Query limits: https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/wix-data/wixdataquery/count
Here is the onMemberCreated event: onMemberCreated - Velo API Reference - Wix.com
Here is the data hooks: https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/wix-data/hooks
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To get the whole data (data-count) of a database…
Versio-1: hasNext-mode:
import wixData from 'wix-data'
const res = await wixData.query("MyDB").find();
let itemsTotal = res.items;
res = await res.next();
}catch(err){console.error('Error: ', err);}
Versio-2: promiseAll-mode:
return Promise.all([
]).then((res) => {
const cache = { items: [] }
for (const result of res) {
cache.items = cache.items.concat(result.items);
An example to find ALL paid orders…
return wixData.query("Stores/Orders")
.eq("paymentStatus", "PAID")
.then(async (ordersData) => {
let totalPage = ordersData.totalPages;
let array = [];
let skip = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < totalPage; i++) {
array.push(wixData.query("Stores/Orders").limit(1000).eq("paymentStatus", "PAID").skip(skip).find(options))
skip = skip + 1000;
return Promise.all(array)
.then((res) => {
const cache = { items: [] }
for (const result of res) {
cache.items = cache.items.concat(result.items);
return cache;
Another method…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {
let r1;
.then(r => {
r1 = r.items;
return r.totalCount;
.then(r => {
let numberOfQueries = Math.ceil(r/1000);
let queries = [];
for(let i = 1; i < numberOfQueries; i++){ queries.push(wixData.query("CollectionName").limit(1000).skip(i * 1000));
return Promise.all(queries.map(e => e.find()));
.then(r => {
r = r.map(e => e.items);
r = r.flat();
//r is the results, you can use it.
}).catch(err => err);
And another one…
Hello, I had this problem for a while so I figured I’d share the solution. Query recursively increasing the index by 1000 and logging the results each time.
async function getAllItems ( db , index ) {
return wixData . query ( db )
. limit ( 1000 )
. skip ( index )
. find ()
. then ( async ( res ) => {
allItems . push ( res.items )
if ( res.items.length === 1000 ) {
index += 1000 ;
return await getAllItems ( db , index )
else {
return allItems ;
Then use it…
Surely more can be found.
The max limit is always → 1000 , exept DATABASES like for sure PRODUCTS and maybe BLOG-POSTS → LIMIT = 100 as i can remember.
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Putting this as the solution for now, and checking back later when I’m done with other to-do’s.
Thanks a lot, as always, russian-dima !
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