How to use "Join the Community is ticked by default" response in Custom Sign Up?

I have a custom sign up page with the “Join the Community” checkbox displayed and defaulted to checked.

But it doesn’t work or save. The checkbox isn’t connected to a value or anything. But what would I connect it to?

I see you asked in the Velo forum where I was trying to find some info. I don’t have much knowledge of how you would do it but that button will make the user profile public .

You may be able to make a checkbox ( and choose the status ) that if selected, then it pushes the information to the PublicData Collection fields . It may not be too different from the registration but again, not super familiar with coding. The thread you asked may have some more information.

Not sure which PublicData field I would push it to, there are none to push it to!

Read through the article and asked but seems that there is no permission to create
an entry, only read. In this case, I think the functionality might not be there to write into the PublicData collection but again, not well versed in the coding side of things. Might be something to add to the Velo wishlist .

@Rob Even though Editor X is still in beta, I think if Editor X offers custom sign up with velo it should have some features to help with certain stuff.

@Rob Most things on the Velo wishlist don’t get done, a small feature like this will take at least 5 years :rofl:

I got a response from support, you can use privacyStatus so the it will set the member’s privacy status to public and the member will automatically join the community.

@magnutplayz Hear you and will forward the custom signup on our part.