HTML iframes: how can I jump to the beginning of the next page when clicking the next-Button?

[Hi Iam using iframes HTML. How can I command that when I click on the Next-button, I jump to the beginning of the next page?]

[HTML iframes]

Assuming the button you want to press is in your iFrame

On your iFrame button press call:

// If you need to send any data with it 
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(json);
window.parent.postMessage(jsonString, "");

On your page with the iFrame:

import wixLocationFrontend from 'wix-location-frontend';

$w.onReady(async function () {
	// Replace with name of your i-frame
	$w("#your_iframe").onMessage( (event) => {
                  // Grab any data you need from the i-frame (if necessary)
    	          const jsonData = JSON.parse(;
                  // Go to the next page (set page name in Settings -> SEO Basics -> URL Slug)

Some more info on going to the next page:

More info for communicating between iFrame and page: