I have a multi-page, 3rd party form, in an iframe on a Wix page. Each page of the form is a different length (some much longer than others).
When the ‘next’ button is clicked on the form, to move from one form page to the next form page, I’d like an action that jumps to the top of the Wix page that the iframe is in. This action would occur with every form ‘next’ click.
If that’s not possible, the next best thing would be to move to the top of the iframe.
If the html code in the iframe is not from Wix and is from a third party provider, then Wix won’t provide support for any code that it has not had the time to rest it all fully works on their own systems etc.
We cannot provide support for external codes that were not created or tested with Wix.
If you are experiencing an issue with your code snippet, please contact the provider directly.
In that case, then you would be much better suited going back to the third party provider and going through their own support team and asking them - in theory too, if the iframe form is multistages, then it should probably already have that feature inbuilt to the provided html code.
However, you can pass data to an iframe from the page and from the iframe to the page by using HTML Component. see here for links