http function as Webhook url code 404

Hello fellow devs. Im trying to set up a url to get notification from a 3rd party. When i make manual request to the url from postman it work, i get status 200 OK. My problem is that when the other system trying to make a notification (POST request) they get status 404 NOT FOUND. When i set up a url from ex. integromate, zapier, make or any other website that provides webhook urls, it works fine. My thinking is that there is some problem with some headers. Are there any required headers that wix-http-function is needed?
Or is there any other setting that i need to do, to make it work.
I have reed the doc from the notification service and as i see it, it should work

errorMSG: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote ho

This is my code:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import { response } from ‘wix-http-functions’ ;

export async function use_billectaeventlistener ( request ) {

	**let**  body  =  **await**  request .  body .  json () 

	console .  info ( body ) 

 **let**  toInsert  = { 
   		 'title' :  'equiryTest' , 
    		'newField' :  body 
	console .  log ( request .  headers ); 

	wixData .  insert ( 'test' ,  toInsert ) 

	**let**  options  = { 
   		 status :  200 , 
    		body :  body , 
   		 headers : { 
       		 'Accept' :  '*/*' , 
       		 "Content-Type" :  "application/json" 

	**return**  response ( options ) 


I have tried use post_ instead os use_ and still 404
I have tried use ok() instead of response and still 404

Please help me :slight_smile: