I can't edit the properties in the mobile editor

I can’t edit the Wix Code properties in the mobile editor.
Neither do the properties match the main editor
What am I missing that I do not realize?

Thank you


Hello Yamil,

The mobile editor should read the value from the desktop editor and prevent further modification.
Please save and reload your editor.
If you still see a difference between the mobile and desktop modes please paste your editor below and we will look further into it.

Hello Ido Inbar,

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:
I still seeing a difference between the mobile and desktop modes.
What do you need that I paste? The link of my editor?

Yes, please paste it here.

We are investigating the issue and will reply as soon as we have feedback.

Thank you Or

The properties panel functions (collapsed on load for example) cannot be checked on the mobile editor. This is by design. There’s a note in the editor:

However, you can check whether a site visitor uses a mobile device as explained here and expand the element using code.

Good luck,

Hi Tal, thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

But I don’t understand why in the example of Wix the elements’ properties coincide in the both editors (mobile and desktop).
Interactions examples Wix: https://www.wix.com/code/home/example/Collapse-Elements

On the other hand, in my editors the properties don’t match:

What should I do to match?

Thanks since now.

Hello Yamil,

We were able to locate the problem and working on a fix.
We will let you know once we have any feedback regarding the matter.


Thank you Ido Inbar :slight_smile: I will wait.

Any solution?


Is there a solution to this issue? I am experiencing the same

I experienced the same problem, this is my solution:
go to the desktop editor and select the element, copy and paste the element. Delete the old element and rename the new one to the exact name of the old element (this is to make sure all links and codes will work in your new copied element)
Now go to your mobile editor and you will see that the properties are the same. It worked for me.

My mobile site is showing up completely different from my main site