I am building a new site for a client. Historically I’ve always used Wix Editor. I have problems.
The Wix Editor contact form isn’t malleable enough. The load times for 3rd parties (123 Forms, Powr etcs) are too long and not acceptable for a Client site. I have there fore switched to Editor X.
As I find my feet I am loving it. I have hit a big problem. After getting my front page as I like (with a Wix Contact) form I moved to the ‘Mobile View’ to edit as I would in Wix Editor.
Editor X is painful to use but after some messing I was getting the look I needed for a mobile.
But then I went back to ‘Desktop View’ the entire look had gone as was replaced with the new mobile look which obviously doesn’t work on aa desk top.
Glad to hear you managed to sort out your issues.
I recommend you take the time to visit our Academy X to learn more about the ins and outs of Editor X. For instance, this lesson about parenting & hierarchy should help you avoid issues such as the one you were describing here.
The better you understand how Editor X works and its logic will greatly improve your workflow in your next projects, it is highly recommended.
So what was your fix? I’m having the same problem. I’ve been watching videos and there is no explanation. Videos say you can adjust one breakpoint without affecting the others but every time I adjust my mobile breakpoint it carries through to my desktop. What am I doing wrong?
I love this post. My journey was identical. For anyone experiencing this steep learning curve here is my advice. It’s a case of laying out your grids and sections and clearly labeling everything in your layer tree. Don’t bother doing what we’ve all done, by trying to untangle the ball of wool.
It will go on for ever! instead create a blank site and in desktop mode alt and tab between your broken design and you fresh new copy. Use what you have learnt to lay out your grid and sections and simply copy and paste the content between the 2 sites. Put the content in the correct grid locations and repeat. As you populate each section, work down your break points one at a time from Desktop down. Doing it this way allows you to really get the structure right as you go. Trust me it will be a lot easier this way. Editor X is actually incredible, you