I created a dynamic page where there are 2 buttons prev & next. I connected the next button to the data set & its working fine but prev button after connecting to the dataset not working at all. I don’t know coding at all. So help me accordingly . Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Hi Sourav,
Please give the following information.
Does it give an error? (Press F12 and select console)
Does it do anything when you press the prev button?
How is it connected to the dataset? (maybe give some images)
Kind regards,
It doesnt give any error . Actually the previous button is completely off even when i hover the mouse over it ,it doesn’t change color.
It looks like your button is disabled,
Can you go below to the code panel.
When you select the button, at the top right of the code panel there is an option you can select named : Enable.
make sure that it is checked.
It is already enabled.
I see that you removed a part of your code,
Add }) again where the red line is.
The reason you can’t click it, meens (if i’m correct) that it is disabled somehow…
Is it connected the the right dataset?
try to go next and then prev? does that work?
You can always try to code it.
Select the button, Go to the code panel, At the right side you can see the onClick event handler.
Click it and press enter,
A code block will be added to the code pannel.
Inside add the following:
yourDatasetname is the name you gave it if you changed it,
Otherwhise it will be dataset1
Also disconnect it from the dataset so only the code will do the work.
Kind regards,
Okay…let me see
It worked …I really appreciate your help. Thank you Kristof.
Happy i could help