I Need Advice

I have a new client who has a cupcake shop. Her primary business is to sell various cupcakes both in-store and through delivery. She also sells gifts (teacups, specialty candies, etc.).

She wants people to be able to order (primarily cupcakes but also gifts) through her website both for in-store pickup and delivery.

Should I set this up using the Wix restaurant feature or should I set it up using the e-commerce/store feature?

Other advice?

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Pretty sure stores has a delivery option, so I would use that. She can have her cupcakes in one collection on a site page, and her nick-nacks in another collection on a separate site page (you get the idea). Following for more suggestions!

From my point of view we are clearly on Wix Stores. The Wix restaurant part being rather designed at the start for reservations on the restaurant (eat in)

Wix Stores for sure! If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

correct, collections can be set up and then attached to store elements on the site specific to the clients needs. This also creates good site structure when you separate your collections on their own pages versus a “Shop All”. I do always add a “Shop All” to all my stores but I always structure the stores as mentioned.