I want to Upload Files in wix media through api how can i do that?

I have tried that i have to create an Visual Studio project to upload files to wix media through API
i have created API with media Permissions & also a Master permission but when i tried to upload the Error Occurs
Error: Forbidden
Please Help

have a read here


I wanted to Upload from Third party
Can you please Mention End Point Path for UPLOAD file

As mentioned above, you need to GENERATE a file upload URL for each file that you want to upload by following these steps:

Or, if you’re using a third party application, you may also use the Wix Javascript SDK.

Can you please Guide me how to do it
i have poor knowledge about Wix & JS


Please Help me to generate Uploadlink
i cant understand how to generate

just give me Detailed stepwise Guide

If you are looking for them to write the code for you, then you can hire them.

Otherwise, they already gave you all the Wix documentation you need to guide you to do it on your own.