Hello I am totally noob to programming and web stuff and I recently asked a developer to help me build my courier tracking website https://mycouriertracker.com
But now I am troubled handling it plus the design is also not attractive so I wanted to ask can i convert and move my website to wix? or will i lose my ranking or not? please give me your valuable suggestions.
Thank you for your Time.
Hi Alex, Any posts from Wordpress can be exported to make it easier but essentially you are starting your site again. I’ve seen this time and time again - people use developers who build them a site they don’t like and can’t navigate ‘because it’s Wordpress’. That’s why I believe in Wix - it empowers site owners to do a lot. Perhaps keep your other site if it ranks well but direct it to your new Wix one.
We had a webinar this week around migrating sites. There is a lot of great information in the video here: https://youtu.be/u3hQ3tJKK6E . I would highly recommend watching it and brushing up on some dos and don’ts!
Thank you everyone I will certainly look into it. I really appreciate your time.