I will pay to have someone write two simple pieces of GA code!

I just need to have tracking put on two downloads from my page for google analytics. I can’t figure it out. I’m no coder! :slight_smile: Let me know if you can help.

What kind of code are you talking about? What are you trying to track?

Share more details so that we may help

I believe google analytics will PROVIDE you the code. All you have to do is place it. (copy and paste)

I placed this code:
import wixWindow from ‘wixwindow’;

export function DownloadButtonPDF_click(event) {
wixWindow.trackEvent(“CustomEvent”, {
“event”: “funnel”,
“eventCategory”: “PDF-Downloads”,
“eventAction”: “Downloads”,
“eventLabel”: event.target.label,
} );

Still not working …

Hi Pete,

So long as you have your GA already set up and you have a premium Wix site, you should simply be able to go into your tracking & analytics settings in the Editor. When you click to add a new tool, one of the options will be Google Analytics for which I believe all you have to do is enter your GA id.

Good luck!