Identifying which Radiobutton is selected through code

I have a radiobuttongroup with three options. If user selects option 3, I want to expand a box on the page.

I’m trying to write an if statement in an on change event, so that the box expands if option 3 is selected, but stays collapsed with the two other options. How do I identify which option is selected with code?

Current code:

export function radiobuttongroup1_change(event) {
if ($w(‘#box’).collapsed) {



Thank you.

Will, you will need to wrap another if statement around what you have above based on the value of the selectedIndex property.$w.RadioButtonGroup.html#selectedIndex

Thanks Anthony. I didn´t quite understand how to set that up. I tried this but it doesnt work:

export function radiobuttongroup1_change(event) {
if ($w(‘#radiobuttongroup1’).selectedIndex = 3 {




Could you show me how to write the code please?


@lillewill , this will execute the expand/collapse code only when the index of the radiogroup is 3. Keep in mind that 0 is the first option, 1 is the second option index, and so on.

export function radiobuttongroup1_change(event) {  
  if ($w('#radiobuttongroup1').selectedIndex = 3 {    
    if ($w('#box').collapsed) {          
    } else {            

@tony-brunsman Thank you. The code makes sense, but I get an “unexpected token” with the first line of the code. Any idea why?

Link to editor (page “TESTINGSELECTEDINDEX”):

Thanks Anthony!

@lillewill Sorry, I should have tested it. There are a couple syntax issues: 1) it needs a parenthesis after the 3 and 2) there should be a triple equals sign signifying that it is a conditional expression and not an assignment:

export function radiobuttongroup1_change(event) {  
 if ($w('#radiobuttongroup1').selectedIndex === 3) {    
 if ($w('#box').collapsed) {          
    } else {            

@tony-brunsman Awesome it works! The third option expands the box now which is what I want. But when I click the other options, the box continues to be expanded, but they should then collapse. Any idea?

Thanks alot!

@tony-brunsman I figured it out! I removed the second if statement, and it works now. Thank you so much for your help, much appreciated!

export function radiobuttongroup1_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:

if ($w(‘#radiobuttongroup1’).selectedIndex === 2) {

}  **else**  {             


WRONG Syntax
if ($w(’ #radiobuttongroup1 ').selectedIndex = 3 {

must be:
if ($w(’ #radiobuttongroup1 ').selectedIndex === 3 {