I’m new at coding, but have some basic knowledge, but can’t figure out how to code this so it works… In the Java script code area i don’t know how to get the single radio buttons Id so i can hide and show an element, when the single radio button is seclected.
I want it to show a print button when a radio button is selected, and expand an columnstrip… and change the button and columnstrip if another radio button is selected… Does it make sence?
I try to show in the video what i want it to do… Please help
Excatly, it starts to make sence to me… so its a start
Changed the event from onClick to onChange
When it was on click i needed to dubble click to make et expand the column strip… Don’t know why, but when i used on Change it works perfectly.
SO I am trying to do something similar with checkbox’s. I want one thing to happen when the checkbox is selected and it to revert back when deselected.
I’m trying to implement this code on to my site to do something similar, but I’m not having much luck. Essentially, I’d like to have a quiz that reveals a “correct” sticker when the customer has selected the right answer and an “Incorrect” sticker when they select another one. I thought this would be using the same logic as the code above, but it won’t reveal the image for some reason. Could anyone help?
$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…
export function button16_change(event,$w) {
console.log($w(“#radioGroup4”).value); if ($w(“#radioGroup4”).value===“Radio Button1”) {
if ($w(“#radioGroup4”).value===“Radio Button2”) {
if ($w(“#radioGroup4”).value===“Radio Button3”) {
Hi mattias,
I like to create radio buttons like the one you shown in the attached screen dumps where there’s an image attached/associated with each radio buttons, and each of the options quite evenly stretched apart from each other. Can you please advise how did you achieve that? Or any suggestions/hints also appreciated.
I’m trying to make a Yes or No option on my page using radiobuttons. If the user checks the yes-button, I want “box2” to show. I tried using the code your wrote above, and changed (“#checkbox1”) with “yes” as this is the labelname of the button, but that didnt work. It says “yes” not a valid selector. How do I give each button a unique name to write in the code, as these two buttons are one element?
I know this thread is very old, but as a Wix newbie, I didn’t want to start a new thread when this is very close to what I want to achieve. Note: I am using Wix Editor, not Studio.
I have created a sports club site which has a Contact form, which works fine except I want 2 different recipients for Membership vs General enquiries. I can’t see an easy way of splitting out “Email Notifications”, so think an alternative is to have 2 identical-looking Contact forms, with different settings.
My idea to achieve this is a radio button group with values of Membership and General, which drives the collapse or expand of 2 strips - one strip having the Membership Contact form, the other the General form.
mikhail-spirin-wix’s solution near the top of the thread looks almost perfect.
I changed it to the code below, but I do not really know where to put it.
I created a js package (public, under my username) but can’t see how to link it to the page.
I tried putting the code into masterPage.js but when I Run, it does nothing.
BTW, I do see this message if I hover over the word EXPORT, but I don’t know what to do about it: Modifiers cannot appear here. Parsing error: ‘import’ and ‘export’ may only appear at the top level $w.onReady(function () {
I feel as though I am quite close but…
I did say I was a newbie, and clearly not a developer, so please be gentle
“#RadioGroup1”, “Membership”, “General”, “#columnStrip4” and “#columnStrip5” all correctly reflect the values I am using in the Editor UI.
export function button1_click(event) {
if ($w(“#RadioGroup1”).value == “Membership”) {
if ($w("#RadioGroup1").value == "General") {