Image alt text on custom product page

We have built a custom product page for our client (using a Dynamic Page and reading from a Dynamic DataSet). The problem we’re seeing is that the array of mediaItems in the product object returned by getCurrentItem does not contain the alt text for the images that we provide in the product editor. This is detrimental to the SEO of our product page.

Is there a flag we need to set or some other API we need to call to extract the alt text for images?

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Getting the alt text for images, as they were entered in the product editor, using the VELO API.

What have you already tried:
Searched VELO API documentation, searched the forums.

Additional information:

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Two months and no replies.

I guess the alt text for images as defined in the product editor is simply not available through Velo? This means we can’t provide proper SEO to clients unless we use Wix built-in page templates, which is terrible.

The alt text should be a property of the object representing each image in the mediaItems array. I don’t understand why it’s not.

You can add a Collection field(if it’s a self-made collection) or use the product title(if its a Wix App collection) to connect the image alt text in the connection settings.