Images not displaying correctly on website

Lately I’ve been having issues with how images are displayed on my site. They images are getting randomly resized and cropped. See below picture for example where the blue information image above email address and date of birth has been modified without me doing anything to it. Why does this keep happening with images on wix ?

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I am not sure this is a Wix Code question as long as you haven’t coded the images using SVG or something similar. I believe you should address your image question to the correct staff at

There are plenty of non code questions raised and answered on this forum. I think there is a flaw with wix image sizing, even if i import an image and make a few copies of the same image on a page, then specify in the toolbar a height and width for the images, Wix automatically overrides my inputs and chooses its own height and width for each image.

I know but if you read the recommendations here from Wix Forum Moderator these questions should be asked where they belong to make it easier for pure Wix Code knowledge. I am not the moderator I just try to let you know that you will be helped faster elsewhere.

I have this same problem too!