"In Wix Studio VELO coding, the same ID issue in the Repeater area

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Wix Studio Editor, VELO

What are you trying to achieve:
"I wrote a code with VELO on Wix Studio. Normally, each element has its own ‘ID’. However, in the Repeater area, each element has the same ‘ID’. Therefore, we cannot operate on a single element while coding.

How can we solve this issue?

Go through the docs and you shall find the answer:

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That’s why a repeater is called a repeater. :+1:

You would use $item for an item inside of a repeater. For all items or an item outside of a repeater, you would use the usual $w


To differentiate an inside a repeater, you use the $item to select current item. You can add a counter to your repeater in order to select the information you want to pass to it, depending on the use case it might be easier to just make separate boxes.
If you need to transform after an event you can use let $item = $w.at(event.context) to set your current item and then transform the item using $item