Even with sparse amount of media and apps, pages take a very long amount of time to load completely, compared to other Web Development platforms. For example, what took just about 1.2 seconds to load on a website built using another platform, took more than 5 seconds to load on its Editor X replica.
Please do something to fix this ASAP. Editor X is a chance for Wix to go all out and fix all the issues it struggled with earlier and I’m sure most people in this community will agree that Page Load times are horribly crippling Editor X.
Thank you for sharing your feedback and testing results.
Site performance is a priority for Wix.
We are working on improving it and plan to have some major improvements in the near future.
When we have an update we will share on the forum.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
My Editor X site is also extremely slow. This is confirmed by the SEO tool I am using and tells me of the terrible page speed, especially on mobile. To build my site I used mainly the pre-designed blocks. www.footprint.homes
Load times definitely seem to struggle. Not sure what they could do about it since I’m not a coder/developer. I imagine it’s hard to solve on their end though because like 80% of it I’m sure relies on the users doing things correctly on their side, and other variables.
Even with optimized/shrunk down images and videos and little-to-no animations the mobile scores are abysmal though. I can get ok scores on web/desktop, but mobile’s always in the red.
I’d hate to see what it’d look like if I tried to use more animations and other “cool” features and things. Makes the features kind of useless sadly.
earlier this week my website (www.eco-logies.nl) became overnight a lot faster. It seems Wix is starting to deploy the promised performance improvements. Nut sure if the deployement is done regionally.