Individual Pricing for Product Options So I don't have to change pricing for all 300 variants

My store is going to sell a highly customizable product and as such there are a large number of pricing variations within my product options (I’m already over 300). Is there a way you can add a feature whereby we can add pricing for each option rather than for each variation. For example, lets say I have 3 options: color, length and width and each has 3 possibilities all of which are different prices. Under the current platform I need to now add pricing for 27 different variations. I would like to instead, add pricing for just the 9 different options and have the platform automatically add it up to the total price. Additionally, looking at the preview screen I noticed that the customer cannot see the total price update until all options are selected. It would be way better if the price is immediately updated as the customer starts selecting options, however the program doesn’t register a price change until a full “variation”, or in other words, until all options are selected. #featurerequest #stores


Thanks for the feedback Ben!

We need more than 300 variants per product. More like 800.

Yes we need more variants and multi page checkout with Add on product functionality.

Hey Ben - I have already submitted a request to allow variants for products where the variant does not get included in the pricing matrix. In my example I offer 2 types if media - canvas and paper, I want the user to be able to select this as an option but not have it affect the price of the item (since it doesn’t and not have it add to this long scrolling option to find the price).

Here is the link so if you want to vote for this new feature -