Insert LINK in CONTENT MANAGER paragraph

I would like to insert a link in a paragraph created in the content manager, the end result should be to have a clickable link on the project page.
Is it possible?

Below a screenshot to illustrate what I’m talking about :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help

Hey Thibault,

Im Ido from the Editor X team,

In the field type of the paragraph in the Content Manager you can use Rich text instead of text and that will enable you to insert the link there:

and then you can select the portion of the text you want to be a link, and add a link:

Good Luck!

Thanks a lot @idoh ! It helps me with the link

Is there a way to open this link in a new window instead of exiting the actual website?

@hershido @idoh Please let me know if possible


Unfortunately, using this way will open it in a new tab.
I will try to think of another solution, but right now nothing comes to mind.

I’ll keep you updated if I find something.