Can I add a route map-type feature to a client’s website that I am designing from scratch? Similar to this website: Request a trip
Wix Studio
What are you trying to achieve?
The client wants their customers to be able to book a transportation trip, map it, and see the directions all within one. So when the client sees the trip, they will know the distance, time, etc, up front. I listed a similar website for what the client expects.
What have you already tried:
Nothing, right now I am exploring to see if it’s possible before I accept the client project.
Additional information:
Seems this company does it with their website builder so I am not sure if it’s exclusive to them or not. WholeRoute Web Design
Yes you can. Are you asking how to do it?
With most things there are multiple ways.
The one you linked to will probably take a lot of time.
But you can indeed just make a Form where people can input their desired info and you / your client will receive it pr. e-mail.
Thanks for the response. Do you, by chance, mind sharing how I go about using the form approach?
It’s in the website builder when you click add elements. Plus, if you search Google, there are plenty of answers/methods 
Good luck!
Accepting Clients-Project → without knowing anything about how to code and customize your Wix-Pages /Website is a very risky step.
At the end you will engage a CODER/PROGRAMMER who will cost you maybe a lot (depending on the programmer and the complexity of your project-setup).
If you are more a → WEBDESIGNER then a PROGRAMMER → my recoomendation would be to search for a PROGRAMMER to engage as TEAM-PARTNER instead of trying to do it on your own.
In most cases you will just loose a lot of time trying to achieve a good coding result, without any knowledge in coding.
To give your CUSTOMER a good and quality-like result, i would reccommend to use a HTML-MAP-Version of Google-Maps, like shown here in the following example…
… and connect it with your Wix-Page and all including FEATURES and FUNCTIONS you want to be generated.