Hi, I am the website manager for a few private schools that utilize lightboxes as their way of showing employee bios. One of these schools has around 70 employees which brings the lightbox count to 70 from the start. There are other lightboxes for announcements and short informational blurbs.
I uploaded a photo of what a section of the lightboxes in the back end looks like. Everything is jumbled according to when a light box was made. This makes searching for a particular lightbox a drag of a task.
It would be nice to be able to group them into categories that help to better organize the back end of each website. Is this feature already possible?
Instead of having many lightboxes with the same design and different content, I suggest keeping your content in a collection and having only one lightbox that connects to this collection and displays the different content dynamically according to need.
Thanks for the reply Asaf. However I’m now left with more questions than when I started.
I’m not well versed with keeping content in a collection. Could you elaborate more on this subject or maybe point me in the right direction where I can do some research for myself?