I’m looking to have a state map with counties that you can click on that will take you to a page… is this possible?
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- Try Crovid. This article might give you a starting point. I am sure you can achieve what you are trying to
Velo Tutorial: Adding Custom Interactivity with Events | Help Center | Wix.com
2.Also, the new product beta - hover interactions might come in handy… check out if you haven’t…
Thanks Webix!
happy to help . #share&learn
Or if you want just a simple so solution, use the simple maps app on WIX, add locations or points of interest and then link back to articles/pages on your site.
Very nice idea!
Been working fantastically well for over 12months now
Yes! I think that the Google Maps will be the best way! Great idea! Thanks!
I like this option too =)