Is there a way to force a user to see the mobile view?

I’ve got a site that looks great on desktop and mobile, but doesn’t work when using a tablet. If I detect someone is viewing the site with a tablet using formFactor can I then force them to see the mobile view instead?

I have the same problem.
There are a lot of threads in forums but no one solvs this issue, have you solved it?

Hi Santimf,

We ended up creating new versions of all our pages that worked on tablet and then ran a check on the users screen size and then redirecting them to the tablet version of the page if their screen size was going to be too small. It’s not the most elegant solution but worked well enough for what we needed.

function makeResponsive() {
let windowWidth = windowSizeInfo.window.width;
if (windowWidth <= 1440 && wixWindow.formFactor === “Desktop” ) { “/tabletVersionOfPage” )
else if (wixWindow.formFactor === “Tablet” )
{ “/tabletVersionOfPage” )}

Thanks for your quick response!
I will try these and other solutions that I have found.
Thanks again.