Now I am getting this utterly useless version of the colors in the site style where if you want any additional shades of colors you have to manually add every… single… one… that’s an additional 20 color inputs minimum.
Wix Studio
What are you trying to achieve:
I want to revert to the option in the Site Styles colors to have the various shades populate when inputting a color.
What have you already tried:
Explored all the menu options
@Wix Devs: If you’re not going to allow users to import colors and color schemes to Wix sites, please restore the previous version or allow users who prefer it to switch back.
Weird. This was an issue for myself a few weeks ago, but has since been resolved with the new colors section under site styles. I’ll add a screenshot of what mine looks like now for reference.
This was released Nov. 26 according to the news center post for it. Either something is wrong, or they have not yet updated all studio sites to add these changes? I would contact support about it just incase.
I chatted to the team about this recently, and they’re exploring some options to more easily set color stops like previously as this is feedback they’ve heard from others too.
The new color experience has some additional features, such as renaming colors (e.g. labeling them as “button”, “background” etc.), along with the option to remove colors.
That being said, if you’re interested in sharing your experience with the team, let me know
Same problem. With this new “list view”, I don’t know what asset each color will apply to. I am new to Studio (used editor before) , but I’m taking tutorials and can’t figure out how to set buttons vs background now. This seems to be less intuitive than the older interface.
This is the version I take issue with. Rather than improving the previous version and keeping the features that worked well, they replaced the system entirely with an entirely foreign version while removing helpful features.
I.e. naming the colors… cool… sorta. Helpful? Slightly.
Wouldn’t it have been just as cool or better if the previous version allowed the main colors to be named?
I’d be happy to share my experiences. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at any time.
I’ve been web designing for 15 years and I’ve used everything from writing HTML/CSS in txt files, Dreamweaver, and Wordpress to Framer, Webflow, Figma, Wix Editor and now Studio.
There are quite a few of, to me, seemingly obvious quality of life features Wix Studio lacks entirely.
My biggest issue with the new color styles option is that it was introduced without prompt, explanation, nor choice.
While the previous version had its own Heuristic opportunities, this new one didn’t improve upon them. It was akin to replacing a underbaked chocolate cake for a frozen croissant.
They’re both close to being good options, and yet as they are they both do not meet my expectations nor needs.