Join Corvid Hackathon on Devpost: Physically Apart, Virtually Connected

Hi All,

Together with Devpost , we’re challenging the Corvid community to build online social distancing solutions for a chance to win up to $3,000.

As we rethink the way we interact given the new limitations that social distancing brings, we’re challenging hackathon participants to build websites or web apps using Corvid that create virtual connections to help, support or benefit one another in new ways.

Click here to register. Submissions accepted from June 22 - August 3, 2020.

Good luck!
Corvid Team

Hi All,

We just want to update that there are 12 days left to submit projects in the DevPost hackathon and win prizes !

Deadline: 5:00pm EDT Aug 3, 2020

Good luck!
Corvid Team

Does it have to be using the Wix platform and Corvid? Or can we use frameworks and languages of our choice?

Only Wix and Corvid. Wix does not support other platforms.

Hi, @ Yisrael (Wix) if you have time, please take a look at my code written with your instructions. I have no idea what’s wrong.

I don’t think my app will be anywhere near complete or adequately functional by tomorrow’s deadline. Can we continue working on our app (refining & debugging) post submission till judging period begins (8/6 - 8/13)?