[Online Workshop] 9/1 Develop Your First Web App with Wix Corvid

Discover how to build your own product from scratch quickly and easily with Corvid and Wix. In this 8-hour workshop broken up into four 2-hour sessions over 4 weeks, you’ll learn the ins and outs of building interactive web applications and applying basic JavaScript to Corvid. This is the perfect course for a beginner coder who wants to stretch their early JavaScript skills and build impactful apps without the background setup.

What You Will Build and Learn
The workshop focuses on creating a bike sharing product. Bike owners will be able to list their bike’s location, a picture, and the hourly rate. Users without bikes will be able to search all of the bikes listed and then request to rent the bike. You will leave the workshop with a finished product prototype. While building the bike share app, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create pages with the Wix Editor

  • Store items in a Corvid Database Collection

  • Write front-end Corvid JavaScript that changes the page dynamically

  • Interact with browser JavaScript features

  • Use Wix-fetch to talk to external APIs

  • Work with backend NPM packages

  • Store tokens in the Corvid Secret Manager

  • Integrate 3rd party services

  • Write backend Corvid code

  • Schedule backend jobs

Workshop Format and Schedule
The workshop will be delivered 100% remotely via Zoom. We’ll cover all of the material in four 2-hour sessions, with homework between sessions to allow you to go deeper into the concepts covered. We will meet on the following dates:

  • Sep 1st 5:00PM to 7:00PM EDT

  • Sep 8th 5:00PM to 7:00PM EDT

  • Sep 15th 5:00PM to 7:00PM EDT

  • Sep 22nd 5:00PM to 7:00PM EDT

We have a lot to cover! The course is designed as a beginner’s intro to Corvid, but assumes that participants understand the basics of JavaScript already. No other prerequisites are required.

To test your readiness, we’ve designed a self-assessment here to give you a sense of where we’re starting. If you aren’t familiar with any of the topics in the assessment, we’d still love for you to join us! Just be prepared that we’ll move quickly.

Join us!



I need records for watching later. Will you upload them on Youtube?

Could you share the video records, assignments and codes please ? @sheyla I probably won’t be able to attend these lessons.

Hi there,

Good question! I’ll circle back to you on this :slight_smile:

"Sales have ended online
This event is no longer available online."
Will be happy to join!

Hi Noam! The first session ended on 9/1. Join us for the second session on 9/8 by RSVP’ing at the link above :slight_smile:


@velogenius Thanks for sharing this - I’ll investigate and get back to you :slight_smile:

You should upload this course to Udemy or some platform where I can see the videos at any time of the day. I’ll definitely buy it!

Hello everyone! I wanted to update you on this:

@velogenius @davidbrowwn You can watch the recording of the first session here . Future sessions will also be available for rewatching.

If you’d like to participate but you missed the first session, you can join the second session here at 5 pm EST today, 9/8.

Hi @sheyla ,

Will assignments, codes and other documentations be added anywhere?

@velogenius For this course, there aren’t any assignments. As for codes, I believe you will need to join the live session in order to receive them.

@sheyla Thank your for your effort. :grinning: See you again.