JW Player hosted video fullscreen option

Hi, I added a hosted video to my site using the HTML Code box and the fullscreen option doesn’t seem to be functioning (https://www.msavipro.com/test) My attempts at fixing this issue via Wix Code has proven to be overwhelming. I am able to achieve the fullscreen option in the Code Tester, but not when published… I’m willing to pay for help.

Hay Mike,

You are using the HTML element which translates into an IFrame on the published site. An IFrame is a sandbox and considered to be full screen by itself and those you do not get the experience you are looking for.

Why not use the available video options from Wix? We do have YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and facebook video support.

Hi Yoav,

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.

I don’t think that the iframe is what’s blocking the player to go fullscreen… I think it’s a bug, or soemthing else that’s blocking it. I was able to embed a hosted video from a different platform (https://livestream.com) and am able to achieve a fullscreen player (https://www.msavipro.com/test-2). Any ideas what’s happening here? Both hosted players are set to responsive…

I don’t use the avaiable video options because I don’t feel like those platforms offer a good business content hosting solution.

Hi Mike,

We have checked and at the time we do not allow an IFrame to expand to full screen (there is a permission on IFrame called allowFullScreen which is turned of at the moment).

We will be adding a way to control that. Thanks for pointing this out.

Hi Yoav, a good amount of time has passed, so I am checking back in to see if anything has been done to improve the html element viewing experience? I am still not able to achieve the fullscreen player option when embedding a JW Player…

I would also need this implementation. I’m using an external video provider with a paywall and I can’t show my video on fullscreen. I won’t change my account to Wix Video. It’s more expensive and more limited. Maybe I should leave Wix for another web hosting.

Did you try looking?