Layer order changes when saving


I’m having an issue with the layer order of my strips. I have an element attached to strip1 which is supposed to overlap strip2, so strip1 needs to be in front of strip2. However, even though I bring strip1 to the front, as soon as I press Save, it jumps back behind strip2.
I’ve included two screenshots that show this happening. The green hexagon (attached to strip1) overlaps strip2 in the first screenshot, but in the second (after saving), it’s behind strip2.

This seems like a bug. Why would my layer order be overruled when I save?
Can this be fixed please?
Or does anyone have any advice on a work-around?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Try opening the context menu by right clicking on the area where the hexagon overlaps the dark blue strip 2.

You will see an overlapping items option. See menu to the right.

You will be able to see how the elements are really layered and should be able to influence the layer order there. The example to the right shows Text on top of Page.

You may simply need to select the Blue Strip and send it to the back.


When the elements are ordered the way I want them, the Overlapping Items menu says:
Vector Art

Then I press Save, and the hexagon jumps behind strip2. The Overlapping Items menu then says:
Vector Art

Nothing fishy or surprising seems to be going on there.

I can send one strip to the front or the other to the back as many times as I want. Every time I save, the same thing happens :confused:
It’s like Wix wants the top-most strip to be in front and overrides the order I’ve set manually. Could this actually be what’s happening? Strips are ordered top=front to bottom=back? I guess strips are maybe not really meant to have overlapping elements, so this automatic layer ordering would not normally be a problem or even noticed?

Hi shn I have run a mini test and have not seen the same problem…

If you post the URL to your page I can check for other problems.

Hi again,

It seems now that if I leave the editor and then come back, the layer order is correct. So I guess it’s just a bug in how the editor displays the strips when I save, or something like that, whereas in reality everything is fine.
Anyway, I hope this sticks and it keeps looking like it should!

Thanks for the effort :slight_smile:

Same issue that I am having but when I leave this page and come back it stays wrong. The layers change arrangement when I save. This wouldnt be an issue but i have overlapping objects.

Another example is when I save it while on top, I preview it and it sometimes will save it on top (Great!) but when I go to work on another page and save/or publish, this page will save wrong. So every time I save I have to go to this page, put that strip to the top and publish again. And only sometimes will it actually publish correctly. So annoying

Before Save:

After Save:

I think I might have fixed it for anyone having the same issue. (Wix please fix this bug)

I overlapped the layer I wanted on top very slightly and only then would it stay on top.

Are these multiple strips that you are using? If they are all supposed to be in the same place wouldn’t you nest the strips instead of layering?

By that I mean you can drag one smaller strip/element inside another (if not a strip certainly a box). The editor will tell you that it is doing this. Once nested the layering should be automatic. What are the elements you are using?

I have the EXACT issue and the SAME feedback (details about the issue) as alpinerecordsmgr ( Feb 16, 2019)!

And I have had this issue INTERMITTENTLY, for a while now!

Sometimes, the issue vanishes - and everything is working fine! Then, after a few days, the SAME issue REAPPEARS…

I have tried ‘reporting an issue’ is this regard to Wix - but to no avail.

IT IS REALLY FRUSTRATING - and it’s DEFINITELY a bug, at some level (Wix / compatibility issues) ** **

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I am having the same issue but with form inputs, so when a user is entering information on the website and presses tab it goes in crazy order. Every time I save it the order reverts back to incorrect. I have tried attaching to a new box, taking off the box… nothing works.

I have the same issue but the 1px overlap alpinerecordsmgr suggested seems to be working. Thanks for that.

I have the same problem. When saving, the layer order changes automatically :anguished:

fixed. just grab the container box you want to be in the front and make it overlap the one that is changing to front layer, then you can arrange layers normally.

I am having the same problem. I have a graphic, and a container box so when I hover over the graphic, a hover image appears…I have all the container boxes moved to front. As soon as I save everything re-arranges and the hover image is behind the set image. It is extremely frustrating!

I m having the same issue :frowning:

December 12, 2021 and I’m still having the same issue 3 years later. /shrug

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