Strip keeps moving to front

I’ve started editting one of the templates with my personal items. It has a picture on it of which the bottom part is lying over a strip. When I save the page, the strip gets moved to the front and thus also in front of the picture. Any ideas on how to lock this down?

Btw, when I publish the site, the strip stays in the back, so I can get around the issue. But it’s a little annoying having to check/change it everytime.

Thanks in advance!


This forum is specialised in Wix Code product.
Can you please contact Wix Support for that? You’ll get the best help there.


Thanks Liran, for your reply. Sorry for the mistake. I will try there.

Hey Dave, I know this might not be the best forum but I haven’t been able to find a fix for this issue. I’ve recently started to experience the same thing and wanted to see if you ever found a solution. Thanks.

I had this problem with strip that I had set to appear on all pages. I think it causes the strip to be re-generated every time you save the site.

I ended up removing it and making a new strip, then copy/paste to my other pages and it seems ok now.