Lightbox Data Issues

So it seems like Studio doesn’t allow you to connect a Lightbox via CMS. Is this an overlooked function still being worked on or something that is deliberately never going to be fixed/implemented?

Currently elements in a lightbox “can” be connected to CMS which will prompt you to create a dataset, but it actually creates the dataset on the page below the lightbox (which is obviously useless…) and when you click on the element you just “connected” it will once again be unconnected and prompt you to create another dataset (which will go to the page below the lightbox etc etc).

If there’s an actual reason for this change the CMS connection option should probably be removed from lightbox elements to save confusion and frustration and if it’s a bug perhaps it’s an easy fix? It’s probably the most integral piece of functionality I use so it’d be great to know what the deal is going to be on Studio going forward.


Hey @themusingsofmaars!

Thanks for raising this.

I’ve pinged the team to see if I can get more insights into this.

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Ya that’s a big problem.


Hey @themusingsofmaars!

Had a quick chat to the team and they currently have a feature request for dynamic lightboxes, without the need for code etc - CMS Request: Dynamic Lightboxes | Help Center |

That being said, they did pick up an error in the flow on Studio, which they’re working to resolve. Thanks for bringing it to our attention :slight_smile:

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Still not fixed right?

It should be fixed :slight_smile: