Hi I have many products and services available on my website. Each product has its own info page which is designed to collect emails from people that are interested in that product.
It is important that I know which email came from which lightbox otherwise I could be promoting the wrong product to the wrong niche.
Is there any way of knowing where the emails came from?
It is possible. But first you should provide more details.
Describe the expected flow (the user searches for product, gets to the product page (dynamic page?), then opens a light-box (right? is it the same light-box for all products?), the light-box contains a form for following the product? (built-in contact form? User-input customized form?) and you’d like to write it to the database? To your email?
Why do you need this light-box? Why won’t you just have a “Follow” button on the product page, and when a user clicks it you automatically adds the member’s email to the product followers collection?
Bottom line - more details are needed.
Glad it is possible. You seem a lot more versed in this than me, maybe I am doing something wrong. I have one lightbox per product/service page. For example I have a health section with products that I promote with affiliated links to the supplier. Before I send my traffic off to another page I wish to collect their email so that I can create a community of niche ‘buyers.’ You may understand it better if you take a look at my site - www.shacktotemple.com please note that it only went live yesterday and im still testing & editing.
I like the idea of a follow button
Well, I think you work with “Wix Get Subscribers” widget? Am I correct?
So I don’t really know how to work with it, only with more flexible forms (if you use other kinds of contact form, please specify).
Maybe other people here will be able to assist.
The default “Subscribe” lightbox contains the “Wix Get Subscribers” widget.
And as I said, I don’t know how to use it to transfer additional information.
Sorry, maybe other people know. Let’s wait for the Wix experts (probably after the weekend ).
(On my lightbox, I use other types of contact forms instead, where I can easily include additional info).
I think I’ve workec it out - when you mentioned the word ‘dynamic‘ I did some exploring today with tables and creating fields then connectng input(s) to the fields within the table. And it worked I am now able to collect emails from each Lightbox seperatly.
Thanks for your input