Lightbox popup scrolling not work

[Lightbox popup scrolling does not work]

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To prevent the lightbox from exceeding the screen height (or your desired height), you can adjust its settings.

Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Pages” panel and select the relevant lightbox.
  2. Click on the lightbox element to access its settings.
  3. Look for the “Layout” section and adjust the “Height” property. You can set a fixed height or use a percentage based on the screen size.

For Scrolling Content:

If you want scrollable content within the lightbox, consider using a nested element with its own scrolling settings. Here’s a common approach:

  1. Add a container element (like a box) inside your lightbox.
  2. Set the desired height for the lightbox itself.
  3. Enable scrolling for the nested container element. This allows content within it to scroll while keeping the overall lightbox size fixed.

Screen Recording for Further Assistance:

For a more detailed review, sharing a screen recording of your lightbox setup in the editor would be helpful. This will allow us to provide specific guidance based on your configuration.