hi there! I’m having some trouble with editorx lightboxes. If my lightbox height in more than my viewport size i cannot scroll the content inside either in the editor , the preview or the published state. I’ve noticed that the scroll setting is set to fixed and can not be changed. I’ve done something wrong or it is as it is meant to be?
You should be able to achieve this easily, the scroll setting that you saw that was set to fixed is for setting an element to be fixed while scrolling or using sticky position. what you are looking for is the overflow setting in the inspector. select your lightbox and change the overflow to scroll, like so:
Hope this helps!
hi! thanks for the response. I’ve tried your solution and works fine but only on the desktop viewport, for tablet and mobile, it sticks and doesn’t move either up or down. I’m trying to scroll all the lightbox length inside my window, not inside of it (i know it’s a pretty subtle difference that probably won’t matter )is there a way to achieve it via code ?.
The solution I offered you works on tablet and mobile as well, shown in this video:
I don’t think there is a way to scroll the light box with your page, even if the height is larger than the viewport height because it is set by default to fixed and this setting can’t be changed, so it will always remain in the same position.
I am having this issue as well. I have Lightboxes containing forms which when viewed in a browser that is shorter than the total height of the Lightbox show the Lightbox cropped at the bottom. When I select the Lightbox in the editor and set overflow content to scroll / vertical / show scrollbars, the Lightboxes show the scrollbar but there is no scrolling with mouse wheel or track pad. In fact inside the scrollbar there is no scroll handle.
I’m having the same problem. It worked a few minutes ago and now it’s not.
Yep, this is definitely an issue for me too… whether the content is inside a grid, or container or whatever the overflow content does not show.
For me its not an issue when the mobile view is vertical (because everything fits ‘on-screen’) but if you turn phone or tablet sideways there isn’t enough on-screen space for everything and it will not allow me to swipe/scroll down to the ‘lower’ content, no matter what settings are changed in the “overflow content” section…
This solution does not work, see my response further down
I’m so glad I’m not the only one experiencing this issue! I wish I had googled the issue two hours ago
Hi Everyone, I’m not sure if I’m having the same problem, but I want to layout my grid in an overflow lightbox in the desktop breakpoint to add all the textboxes and I’m not able to layout the grid which is “outside” the lightbox. My text scrolls but the grid doesn’t. The text seen to scroll out of the textbox and it keeps looking weird when I scroll down in my editor. I’ve set it to overflow, scroll, and auto. When I set the Height to Pixel and add a higher heght, it doesn’t scroll anymore in the preview mode. It also doesn’t work when I go to the tablet breakpoint.
Thankful for any advice!
I’ve added some screenshots to show my issue.
Hey @nadine-rasu ,
Thanks for the image as it helps show what you were working on.
I was able to test out what you were explaining and I can see what you mean about the grids. In this case, since the grids don’t allow you be in a space larger than the container itself, it may be necessary to put the text is an container and put the grid and text there.
Similar to how you set it up with the lightbox, you can have the container be a larger size than the lightbox and keep the lightbox to scroll. I have a video example using sections.
Alternatively, you can try using a layouter. https://support.wix.com/en/article/editor-x-using-layouters
Hi Roberto, thank you so much for your respond, that helped a lot!
This is how I fixed some trouble.
This is the solution:
You need to make sure that the height of the Lightbox is no longer than the height of the display. Meaning the Lightbox should set to min-content max-100vh.
Otherwise it has nothing to scroll since it is showing all of the content.
Think of it as a frame or a mask that’s hiding the rest of the content.
Hope this will work for you…
I fixed it like this. Set the overflow to scroll, vertical, etc. Then make sure to set the lightbox to fixed, choose width and hight and you will be able to scroll.