hi, I would like to know can we set the number on member posting? such as the member subscribed a 100 posts plan, that member can only post 100 posts. Thanks.
Limit member posting on what?
Are you looking to limit posts in Wix apps like Wix Blog or Wix Forum as that isn’t possible.
If it is on a post page that you have made up yourself, then providing the user is signed up to your site to post so that they have a userId that can be used.
Then you can simply have the users post total in a dataset, so get the users current post total and when they post a new one simply get your code to add one (+1) and then save that new total back into their post count field.
Then once that figure reaches your post limit, then you can have a simple message comes up that tells the user that they have reached the limit etc.
Please explain more for us to be able to help you.