Hi all
I am hoping to create a site that contains “fill-able” worksheets, where members can log in and fill in their own worksheets without seeing those belonging to other members. My aim is that I can store each “worksheet” as its own collection (with each answer being a field), and then by referencing each worksheet back to the member collection, each member can access and edit only their own worksheets.
Is this the best way of accomplishing this?
Also, I am getting confused by which URL’s to use when implementing this. If I link a dynamic page to the worksheet collection, then that page will be using the worksheet’s collection in its URL. How can I make sure that the correct member’s worksheet is being loaded?
Finally, I currently have member login setup, and an accompanying member collection. The member pages are dynamic pages linked to the member collection, but I am unable to create buttons on these pages that link to the worksheet pages, possibly because they are linked to another collection (the worksheet collection). Is there a way I can do this as well?
Thanks! I can break this into multiple topics if I’ve tried to address too many things at once here.