I have a Gallery that I have tied to a dataset. The dataset has 3 fields: title, description, image, which I then tie to the Gallery appropriately. That all works fine and looks great. I have it set that if you click an image it pops up in a lightbox.
I would like to link to a lightbox’ed image that is in the gallery. If I copy the URL when the image is lightbox’ed that URL works, however it appears the URL uses the index in the gallery for which image. So if I add a new image to the gallery then the URLs for all the existing images change.
Is there anyway to generate or come up with a direct link to a lightbox’ed image in a Gallery backed by a dataset such that the correct image will always show?
Yes that is because each time you add a new picture to the gallery it will alter it, you can see more here about it in the Wix Gallery API.
If you want to look at setting the gallery yourself, then you can try looking at using Wix Gallery API and the items function.
Set the list of items for a gallery
$w("#myGallery").items = [{
"type": "image",
"alt": "A beautiful view",
"title": "A View",
"src": "wix:image://v1/99bc1c6f66444769b531221214c885ac.jpeg/A%20View.jpeg#originWidth=3264&originHeight=2448"
}, {
"type": "video",
"description": "Another beautiful view",
"title": "Another View",
"src": "wix:video://v1/80c05f_e2c524db1f264178a8558c92dbf76fb0/_#posterUri=80c05f_e2c524db1f264178a8558c92dbf76fb0f000.jpg&posterWidth=1920&posterHeight=1080"
As for code further code options, then you can look at previous forum posts.
Or have a look at Vorbly’s great little example here about gallery for dynamic page.
Thanks. I was afraid that might be the answer and that it would not be possible to do what I want to do with the gallery as-is. I’ll have to work on a bit more creative solution. It shouldn’t be too bad, I just didn’t want to jump to that if there was something built in I was just missing.